Unfortunately for the second year running heavy rain on Saturday meant the match had to be fished on the ponds. A great deal of work goes into this match every year and the decision is never taken lightly to fish the ponds. But Saturday afternoon was spent walking the banks of the river to see if we could squeeze 30 anglers on it, all with a chance of catching a fish, but it was decided that the match would just be a lottery and dangerous to fish the River. The club would like to thank Nigel Ellis, Asa Cooper, Gary Slack, for the organisation of the match and putting hampers together. Also we would like to thank David Taylor and Glyn Taylor for there help in walking the River on the Saturday.
Sunday, 13 December 2015
Monday, 7 December 2015
This was the last match before the Christmas match and the 11 anglers who turned out in strong winds and horizontal rain were keen to get some practice in. Surprisingly the River was at a decent level and fit to fish after a week of rain. It was 78 year old John Barfoot who produced a weight of 8-6 from Peg 113 to take top spot, Johns winning weight included a superb Grayling just shy of the 2lb mark and a rare Roach just under a pound. Thats now back to back wins for John can he complete the hatrick next week.
Second place went to Nigel Ellis who had 11 Grayling for 6-8 from hot Peg 77. Third place went to Ken wood who had a weight of 4-10 from Peg 108.
Hopefully the weather will stay fine this week and the Christmas match can be be fished on the river. Please book in with Nigel Ellis if you wish to fish the Christmas match.
Sunday, 15 November 2015
RIVER DERWENT MATCH RESULT 15/11/2015 (cawdor pond)
On the windiest day of the year it wasn't going to be a match for the fair weather anglers! But 12 brave souls turned up to do battle with the wind and the odd shower. With lots of over night rain the river was not fishable so Cawdor pond was fished instead.
Peg 20 was the Peg everyone wanted and it was David Fowler who had the honour. Unfortunately it didn't go according to plan for Dave who lost 3 Carp and broke his pole. Dave would have won at a canter, but like many who have drawn Peg 20 he was left cursing the trees!
It was Steve Allcock who took top spot with a fine net of Roach and Skimmers from Peg 3 weighing 8-13. With the wind being a problem, Steve fished relatively short at about 8 metres on pellet. Steve also had a few Perch close in under the trees on chopped worm. It was Dave Clark who was a close second with a weight of 8-8, Dave drew Peg 29 on the little pond, probably not the best draw but Dave fished a good match landing a dozen Skimmers and a few Roach taken pellet and worm. In 3rd place was Malcolm Bent, Malc drew Peg 5 and fished pellet to record a weight of 6-15 mainly made up of Skimmers and Roach.
Sunday, 1 November 2015
With a lot of rain fall during the week, big weights wasn't expected due to the colour of the water and the amount of leaves travelling through the river. But with small field of 10 anglers the river was in fine form, Out of the 10 anglers only 3 of them failed to weigh in over 5lb of Grayling. It was Malcolm Bent who secured top spot, drawing HOT peg 57 (The Boat house) always a good draw, but with any good Peg you need to know how to fish it. Malc didn't disappoint landing 20 Grayling for 10-9. Malcs main approach was the pole feeder picking the odd fish up on the stick float. In second place was John Barfoot from Peg 67 in the park. John landed 12 Grayling for a weight of 9-12 with some cracking 1lb+ Grayling. John travels from Mansfield for every club match and always does well. In 3rd place was Nigel Ellis with a weight of 8-3 from Peg 48 on artist corner,Nigel had 15 Grayling and again some of these were 1lb+.
Saturday, 24 October 2015
Tansley Mill pond a brief history and run down on how to fish the pond
I thought it might be of interest to some members if over the next few months I gave a little bit of history on the club waters and how to fish them with a peg by peg break down. I feel a good place to start would be with the clubs oldest still water Tansley pond.
Tansley Middle Dam Early1900s
Tansley Middle Dam 2015
Middle dam was built around 1783 to power scholes mill which can be seen in the postcard above, The iron shuttle gate seen in the picture is still present today.The mill pond provided water power to drive the machinery.The water in Tansley had the advantage of containing little lime as it had flowed over the acidic rock Millstone Grit. This made it suitable for treating cotton. The pond is fed by two brooks which are Knabhall brook and Oaksedge brook both are contributories to the river Derwent. A pipe carried water into scholes mill from the pond to power the water wheel.
The pond is said to be stone lined and i myself have seen evidence of this on some pegs. In the late 1950s the pond was dredged and the older anglers in the club and local residents have told me the tale of how a digger which was doing the dredging got stuck in the silt, whether they got the digger out or not i will never know. All hard to believe i know considering the pond now has a average depth of about 3 feet, but when it was first built the pond was 15+ feet deep.
I have been a resident of Tansley for 37 years and fishing Tansley pond for about the last 25 years. Without the work of the club the pond would be vastly overgrown and probably about a foot deep. The only major difference for me in the last 25 years is that the oaksedge brook end was once heavily populated with reeds, but these have all died in the last ten years. The fishing is definately better i am pleased to say. The club constantly fights a battle with the pond leaking down the old coach road, but we think that we have cured the problem with the removal of several trees.
I have fond memories of this pond growing up in Tansley and spending a lot of time there with friends has a youngster. We never caught a lot, Perch seemed to be the main spechies 25 years ago, but my friend always went for the Carp in the reeds fishing luncheon meat, He actually named two of the Carp. one was called Larry a leather carp of 7lb+ the other called Lional 8lb+. Not big, but back then they seemed big.
Tansley pond is now a well established mixed coarse fishery and responds well to most tactics.
Roach,Perch,Rudd,Skimmers,Bream,Chub,Tench,Gudgeon,Ruff,Carp,Crucian Carp.
Average depth is about 2.5 feet
The best methods to fish are Pellets, worm and castor, Breadpunch and a groundbait/maggot approch. Float fishing is the best method due to the pond only being 3 foot deep.
This is the first Peg if you access the pond from the Coach road end. Its about 2 feet deep. Its a peg with limited options really with it being a little narrow. A good approach is to fish under the far bank to target the carp which can be seen basking in the Sun. You will catch at about 4 metres, but don't expect to bag up, you are ore likely to catch Perch and Roach here.
Peg 2
This Peg is a favourite with pleasure anglers, mainly because of the reed bed to the left. Carp are always present in the reeds, often they are caught on floating bread or worm. This Peg is wide and Skimmers are often caught in the open water, Pellet approach works well in the summer for the skimmers. I would say this Peg is a little inconsistent, someday you will catch and the next day you will struggle, I put this down to it being towards the end of the pond.
This Peg again benefits from the reed bed which is on the right of this Peg. Carp are caught from the reeds. This Peg also benefits from a ledge at about 13 metres which always holds the odd skimmer.
Peg 5
This Peg features a island at about 10 metres, Perch can always be caught up to the island and fishing past the island always produces Roach and Skimmers. This Peg is very open and wide. Waggler can be fished here and can produce good weights of Skimmers and the odd Bream.
Pegs 7/6
Very similar to Peg 5 but without the island. There is also good cover from the trees on these Pegs and fishing short always produces few bites in the summer. Open water at about 14 metres always responds to pellets and chopped worm.
Peg 8/9
Both these Pegs are in the corner of the pond. Like any island Peg it is always a good holding spot for fish. I would say that Peg 8 is the slightly better Peg because the island is slightly closer at 14 metres. Fishing close to the island is always the best bet, but be aware of the hidden snags near the island. Fishing at 10 metres always produces fish also. Peg 9 is a good waggler Peg if you like to chuck the waggler.
Peg 10
One of the widest Pegs on the pond and always hold a few fish in the open water. One of my favourite ways to fish this Peg is by chucking the Waggler to the far bank. I have caught a lot of chub doing this and lost plenty of Carp. Feeding heavy with castors or maggot to tempt the fish out of the far bank bushes.
Pegs 11/12/13/14 THE BUSHES
Over the last 15 years these Pegs have probably produced the most fish. Carp,Chub,Tench are all caught from fishing tight over to the bushes. The last few years have seen these Pegs not so productive. You can catch down the middle but fishing long is the best bet. Chopped worm and castor is the best bait, with lucheon meat also producing Carp.
Pegs 15/16
These Pegs are very shallow. Lots of Carp are always present and can be seen basking in the shallows. These Pegs benefit from having a island and now have a large fallen tree in the Peg. Good nets of Skimmers are achievable from this Peg fishing past the island.Not the best winter Pegs but very good in the summer months. Floating bread works well.
One of the best Pegs on the pond with lots of options, whether it be fishing to the island,under your feet, or tight to the inside bushes. This Peg responds well to all methods.
PEG 21
This Peg is the deepest part of the pond at 3 feet, fishing under your feet will produce Carp,tench and Perch. Its also one of the widest Pegs and the open water will always produce skimmers. This is a excellent winter Peg due to its depth.
Pegs 22/23
These Pegs are very similar to Peg 21 and catching close in next to the bushes always produces bites.
Peg 24
The near bank always produces a few Pech and Carp. Lots of bites to be had in the open water but can be inconsistent due to it being near the end of the pond.
Sunday, 18 October 2015
It was a cool and foggy start to todays match, with 3 new comers present we saw 16 anglers fishing the match. Big weights were not expected with the onset of autumn and the large amount of leaves travelling down the river. It was David Fowler fishing Peg 90 who took top spot with a fine net of Grayling caught on the stick float and pole feeder. Peg 90 is always a good peg and the Grayling are normally caught from under your feet and Dave caught well on the pole feeder picking the odd fish up on the stick float. In form Nigel Comeley again framed with a weight of 7-5 caught mainly on the stick float, If Nigel could have sneaked another Grayling he may well have pipped Dave for 1st place. Mark Gregory came in 3rd place from peg 122 fishing the stick float Mark caught well running the stick float right down his Peg.
New comer Mark Evans produce a nice net of Grayling on his first visit to the River Derwent to take fourth place, him and his two mates are looking forward to returning on the next match with a little bit more knowledge of the venue.
Nigel Ellis produce a mixed bag including a 1lb+ perch and 3 small chublets. The matches at Matlock are mainly dominated by Grayling but this just goes to show there are other species present. We just need to speak to Nigel to know how to catch them.
1st David Fowler 7-12 Peg 90
2nd Nigel Comeley 7-5 Peg
3rd Mark Gregory 6-1 Peg 122
4th Mark Evans 4-10 Peg 119
5th Nigel Ellis 3-10 (including 1lb perch and 3 small chublets)
It was a cool and foggy start to todays match, with 3 new comers present we saw 16 anglers fishing the match. Big weights were not expected with the onset of autumn and the large amount of leaves travelling down the river. It was David Fowler fishing Peg 90 who took top spot with a fine net of Grayling caught on the stick float and pole feeder. Peg 90 is always a good peg and the Grayling are normally caught from under your feet and Dave caught well on the pole feeder picking the odd fish up on the stick float. In form Nigel Comeley again framed with a weight of 7-5 caught mainly on the stick float, If Nigel could have sneaked another Grayling he may well have pipped Dave for 1st place. Mark Gregory came in 3rd place from peg 122 fishing the stick float Mark caught well running the stick float right down his Peg.
New comer Mark Evans produce a nice net of Grayling on his first visit to the River Derwent to take fourth place, him and his two mates are looking forward to returning on the next match with a little bit more knowledge of the venue.
Nigel Ellis produce a mixed bag including a 1lb+ perch and 3 small chublets. The matches at Matlock are mainly dominated by Grayling but this just goes to show there are other species present. We just need to speak to Nigel to know how to catch them.
1st David Fowler 7-12 Peg 90
2nd Nigel Comeley 7-5 Peg
3rd Mark Gregory 6-1 Peg 122
4th Mark Evans 4-10 Peg 119
5th Nigel Ellis 3-10 (including 1lb perch and 3 small chublets)
Sunday, 11 October 2015
On a clear sunny day a good turnout of 15 anglers, the river was in fine form,with lots of small Grayling and big Trout being caught. The river can be some what unpredictable in October mainly because of the on set of autum and the large amount of leaves in the river. But this was not the case and David Taylor produced a fine net of Grayling to take top spot. David fished mainly the stick float, trotting right down the peg to produce a net of 15+ Grayling weighing 8-12. In second place was Malcolm Bent who caught well on the pole feeder method from peg 67 for a weight of 6-7. Third went jointly to Nigel Comley and Roger Stone who both recorded a weight of 6-5. Roger also had a small Barbel weighing 1-5 but was left disappointed after he lost its big brother who Roger thought was 5lb+.
1st David Taylor 8-12 peg73
2nd Malcolm Bent 6-8 peg67
3rd Nigel Comley 6-5 peg75
3rd Roger Stone 6-5 peg77 small barbel 1-5
Out of the 15 anglers everyone caught a few Grayling with most recording 3lb+ weight. There was lots of Trout caught big and large, so if Trout is what you are after you can not fail. Dont forget our next match on sunday 18th October on the river Derwent
On a clear sunny day a good turnout of 15 anglers, the river was in fine form,with lots of small Grayling and big Trout being caught. The river can be some what unpredictable in October mainly because of the on set of autum and the large amount of leaves in the river. But this was not the case and David Taylor produced a fine net of Grayling to take top spot. David fished mainly the stick float, trotting right down the peg to produce a net of 15+ Grayling weighing 8-12. In second place was Malcolm Bent who caught well on the pole feeder method from peg 67 for a weight of 6-7. Third went jointly to Nigel Comley and Roger Stone who both recorded a weight of 6-5. Roger also had a small Barbel weighing 1-5 but was left disappointed after he lost its big brother who Roger thought was 5lb+.
1st David Taylor 8-12 peg73
2nd Malcolm Bent 6-8 peg67
3rd Nigel Comley 6-5 peg75
3rd Roger Stone 6-5 peg77 small barbel 1-5
Out of the 15 anglers everyone caught a few Grayling with most recording 3lb+ weight. There was lots of Trout caught big and large, so if Trout is what you are after you can not fail. Dont forget our next match on sunday 18th October on the river Derwent
Monday, 14 September 2015
In the last match on the ponds before the winter river matches it was hoped that Tansley pond would fish a little better than the early spring matches. A good turn out of 14 was present to fish for the George Page Trophy.
On a sunny day it was Mark Gregory who came out on top, sticking to his plan of fishing pellet for the whole match regardless of whether he caught or not paid off. Mark drew Peg 8 on the island and weighed 11lb1oz with a lovely net of carp,tench,crucians and skimmers which were all caught on the pellet.
In second place was David Thornley who weighed 8lb4oz fishing from Peg 14, Dave managed to land a carp weighing 6lb+ and had a few smaller fish to make up his weight.
Third place went to Asa Cooper fishing from Peg 6 Asa weighed 6lb4oz with a nice net of roach all caught on the squatt/pinkie approach.
The pond fished a lot better with the majority having 4lb+ in weight, Unfortunately the Skimmers didn't have a chew, otherwise we could have seen some more double figure weights
1st Mark Gregory 11lb1oz Peg 8
2nd David thornley 8lb4oz Peg 14
3nd Asa Cooper 6lb4oz Peg 6
4th Andy Fox 5lb15oz Peg 20
5th Malcolm Bent 5lb5oz Peg 10
It was nice to see George Page son Derek at the match representing the family. Thanks for those who fished
Tuesday, 11 August 2015
After last years promotion back to the top division there were some glum faces, if we had stayed in Division 2 we would have been fishing on the river trent, but instead after our great performance on the Leeds Liverpool canal we now faced the 300 mile round trip to the Gloucester Canal.
After a couple of visits to the canal it some became clear that we would be up against it, none of us had fished a canal of this size and depth. The majority of the team is more suited to smaller waters with depth of 3 to 8 feet. Instead we had depths of 20 feet down the middle and 8 feet a metre out. We caught fairly well in practice and established that we could catch Bleak on the whip feeding a cloudy ground bait and catching up in the water. we also caught well at 8 metres and also at 14 metre. lots of eels were caught in practice and some did well on the feeder for Bream. Team tactics on the day were to try and catch some Bleak early to avoid the dreaded blank, then maybe chuck the feeder for a Bream. We also fed a line with worm for the eels. Two ground bait lines were fed at 8 metres and 11 metre in the hope that they would produce some fish.
Little is known at the draw on if you have a good draw, because the draw is random and different peg numbers are used. I myself drew in B section, i had been told this was the section to avoid. I arrived in quick time at the canal with a little excitement, Theres always a buzz on these big matches. Drawing peg 42 i had a walk of about 15 pegs, looking up the canal to roughly where i would be i could see a massive turning bay, i was saying to myself please let me be in one of those pegs. Anyway that was a short lived dream as i walked 3 pegs past the turning bay. I was met by another angler with the delightful words of we are fishing for last in the section here and Will Raison had 7 oz of your peg last week. To cut a long story short i watched everybody to my left bag up in the turning bay on big Bream and i managed to catch 7 fish for a 180gram and a 5 point score.
Other anglers in the team didn't fair much better and it was mainly performances from Paul Ashley, David Thornley and Asa Cooper who kept us in the top division.
The team finished 38th out of 44 teams and missed relegation by 2 places. The good news is that we will be on the Trent next year and should be able to get in plenty of practice.
A SECTION David Fowler 180gram 3points
B SECTION David Greatorex 180gram 5points
C SECTION Andy Fox 480gram 8points
D SECTION Nigel Ellis 1590gram 16points
E SECTION Gary Slack 730gram 14points
F SECTION Paul Ashley 3550gram 39points
G SECTION David Thornley 3030gram 30points
H SECTION Mark Wain 200gram 3points
J SECTION Steve Allcock 500gram 10points
K SECTION Asa Cooper 2300 39points
Big thanks to all those who fished the match and gave up there time and spent there hard earned money to represent the club at a nation wide event. If anyone is interested in fishing next year we are always glad to have them on board. We are all now looking forward to getting on the River TRENT NEXT YEAR.
After last years promotion back to the top division there were some glum faces, if we had stayed in Division 2 we would have been fishing on the river trent, but instead after our great performance on the Leeds Liverpool canal we now faced the 300 mile round trip to the Gloucester Canal.
After a couple of visits to the canal it some became clear that we would be up against it, none of us had fished a canal of this size and depth. The majority of the team is more suited to smaller waters with depth of 3 to 8 feet. Instead we had depths of 20 feet down the middle and 8 feet a metre out. We caught fairly well in practice and established that we could catch Bleak on the whip feeding a cloudy ground bait and catching up in the water. we also caught well at 8 metres and also at 14 metre. lots of eels were caught in practice and some did well on the feeder for Bream. Team tactics on the day were to try and catch some Bleak early to avoid the dreaded blank, then maybe chuck the feeder for a Bream. We also fed a line with worm for the eels. Two ground bait lines were fed at 8 metres and 11 metre in the hope that they would produce some fish.
Little is known at the draw on if you have a good draw, because the draw is random and different peg numbers are used. I myself drew in B section, i had been told this was the section to avoid. I arrived in quick time at the canal with a little excitement, Theres always a buzz on these big matches. Drawing peg 42 i had a walk of about 15 pegs, looking up the canal to roughly where i would be i could see a massive turning bay, i was saying to myself please let me be in one of those pegs. Anyway that was a short lived dream as i walked 3 pegs past the turning bay. I was met by another angler with the delightful words of we are fishing for last in the section here and Will Raison had 7 oz of your peg last week. To cut a long story short i watched everybody to my left bag up in the turning bay on big Bream and i managed to catch 7 fish for a 180gram and a 5 point score.
Other anglers in the team didn't fair much better and it was mainly performances from Paul Ashley, David Thornley and Asa Cooper who kept us in the top division.
The team finished 38th out of 44 teams and missed relegation by 2 places. The good news is that we will be on the Trent next year and should be able to get in plenty of practice.
A SECTION David Fowler 180gram 3points
B SECTION David Greatorex 180gram 5points
C SECTION Andy Fox 480gram 8points
D SECTION Nigel Ellis 1590gram 16points
E SECTION Gary Slack 730gram 14points
F SECTION Paul Ashley 3550gram 39points
G SECTION David Thornley 3030gram 30points
H SECTION Mark Wain 200gram 3points
J SECTION Steve Allcock 500gram 10points
K SECTION Asa Cooper 2300 39points
Big thanks to all those who fished the match and gave up there time and spent there hard earned money to represent the club at a nation wide event. If anyone is interested in fishing next year we are always glad to have them on board. We are all now looking forward to getting on the River TRENT NEXT YEAR.
Top 6 Team Results;
1st Team Daiwa Dorking 354 points
2nd Maver Image 298 points
3rd Drennan Barnsley 291 points
4th Kamasan Starlets 287 points
5th Shakespeare Superteam 281 points
6th Ted Carter Preston 279 points
1st Team Daiwa Dorking 354 points
2nd Maver Image 298 points
3rd Drennan Barnsley 291 points
4th Kamasan Starlets 287 points
5th Shakespeare Superteam 281 points
6th Ted Carter Preston 279 points
Top 6 Individual Results;
1st Andy Pollard Daiwa Gordon League 41.220kg
2nd Alistair Olgivie Sensas Mark One 39.400kg
3rd Mark Eustace Wellingborough Nene 34.740kg
4th John Deakin Daiwa Doncaster DAA 32.200kg
5th Dave Martin Maver Milton Keynes 29.230kg
6th Danny Martin Wigan MG 29.180kg
1st Andy Pollard Daiwa Gordon League 41.220kg
2nd Alistair Olgivie Sensas Mark One 39.400kg
3rd Mark Eustace Wellingborough Nene 34.740kg
4th John Deakin Daiwa Doncaster DAA 32.200kg
5th Dave Martin Maver Milton Keynes 29.230kg
6th Danny Martin Wigan MG 29.180kg
Monday, 15 June 2015
CAWDOR POND MATCH 9 14/06/2015
The last league match was fished this sunday on cawdor pond. Going into the final match it was Asa Cooper who was the favourite to take top spot, knowing that another section win would see him home and no one would be able to catch him. The chasing pack including Mark Wain, Paul Ashley,Andy Fox,Steve Allcock and David Fowler were all hoping that Asa Cooper would have a poor draw and slip up. After the draw was made and Asa Cooper had drawn peg 1 it was obvious to most that he would take some stopping. Yet again Peg 20 was the peg that everyone wanted and it was Steve Allcock who had the honour but unfortunately Steve lost 6 carp in the trees and was left shaking his head.
In the end it was Asa Cooper who took the match and the league with a weight of 16lb7oz , Asa fishing from Peg 1 chose to ignore the Carp and just fish for roach and skimmers. Asa caught all skimmers and roach taken on pellet and squatt for a much deserved victory. With 5 back to back section wins it saw Asa Cooper take the league by 1 clear point from Paul Ashley who also recorded 4 section wins himself.
In second place was Malcolm Bent from peg 6 with a weight of 12lb15.5oz, Malc fished for carp and landed 2 with one fish touching the 7lb mark. Not a easy peg to fish and land fish and Malc found to his cost losing a 3 carp.
Third place went to Mark Wain who only fished half the match due to work comitments, Drawing peg 15 Mark weighed 11lb3oz, Arriving at about 11.30am Mark went all out for Carp and landed 3 and losing 3 in the lilies. Not a bad achievment considering he gave everyone a head start.
The last league match was fished this sunday on cawdor pond. Going into the final match it was Asa Cooper who was the favourite to take top spot, knowing that another section win would see him home and no one would be able to catch him. The chasing pack including Mark Wain, Paul Ashley,Andy Fox,Steve Allcock and David Fowler were all hoping that Asa Cooper would have a poor draw and slip up. After the draw was made and Asa Cooper had drawn peg 1 it was obvious to most that he would take some stopping. Yet again Peg 20 was the peg that everyone wanted and it was Steve Allcock who had the honour but unfortunately Steve lost 6 carp in the trees and was left shaking his head.
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The weigh in |
In the end it was Asa Cooper who took the match and the league with a weight of 16lb7oz , Asa fishing from Peg 1 chose to ignore the Carp and just fish for roach and skimmers. Asa caught all skimmers and roach taken on pellet and squatt for a much deserved victory. With 5 back to back section wins it saw Asa Cooper take the league by 1 clear point from Paul Ashley who also recorded 4 section wins himself.
In second place was Malcolm Bent from peg 6 with a weight of 12lb15.5oz, Malc fished for carp and landed 2 with one fish touching the 7lb mark. Not a easy peg to fish and land fish and Malc found to his cost losing a 3 carp.
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7 lb Carp |
Third place went to Mark Wain who only fished half the match due to work comitments, Drawing peg 15 Mark weighed 11lb3oz, Arriving at about 11.30am Mark went all out for Carp and landed 3 and losing 3 in the lilies. Not a bad achievment considering he gave everyone a head start.
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Early league pace setter Andy Fox narrowly misses out on combined weight to be pushed out to 5th place overall |
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Former league winner Mark Wain plays catch up |
Peg 20 Steve Allcock 7lb4oz 3points
Peg 19 Nigel Ellis 6lb4oz 2points
Peg15 Mark Wain 11lb3oz 4points
Peg 22 Gary Slack 9oz 2points
Peg 23 Mark Gregory 8lb 4points
Peg 29 John Barfoot 7lb2oz 3points
Peg 10 David Fowler 5lb 3points
Peg 11 David Clark 4lb7oz 2points
Peg 12 David Thornley 3lb10oz 1point
Peg 8 Paul Ashley 8lb14oz 4points
Peg 1 Asa Cooper 16lb7oz 4points
Peg 3 Andy Fox 9lb15.5oz 2points
Peg6 Malcolm Bent 12lb15.5oz 3points
Saturday, 13 June 2015
The glorious 16 june is nearly upon us. Lots of anglers eagerly awaiting this day since March, longing to trot that stick float down the river or cast that swim feeder under the bush on the far bank. The barbel anglers have all been planning there new tactics in the quest to catch that big Barbel. I myself always remember the excitement of this date when there was a 3 month closure on all waters, the break always gave me chance to tie new rigs,hook lengths and renew my tackle. Then the rest of the time was spent discussing where we would be going on the glorious 16th june
Thursday, 11 June 2015
Unfortunately anyone wishing to fish the Matlock Bath stretch of the river derwent will have to wait due to the lovers walk footpath being closed. We dont know how long this closure will last and when we have further news we will let you know.
Tuesday, 9 June 2015
Updated league table and its extremely close with one match left at Cawdor pond this sunday. Can Asa Cooper continue his good form and make it 5 section wins in a row to take top spot. Or will long time pace setter Andy Fox return to form. But could one of the chasing pack sneak in the top 3.
This was the penultimate match of the league so a good performace was vital for those fishing for the top places in the league. With the Canal recently been dredged and new tins put in some of the Canal looked very baron. Most anglers were keen to avoid the newly dredged section and after the match there was plenty of moaning about this area.
It was Steve Allcock who came out on top with a great weight of 9lb10oz, Paul had mainly Perch and had 3-4over the pound mark. In second place was Asa cooper who continued his good form. Asa weighed 7lb7.5oz consisting of a 2lb+ Tench and a mixed bag of roach,perch,gudgeon and skimmers.
Taking third place was David Fowler who weighed 5lb2oz with a net of all Perch. Dave had about 20 fish in total his biggest being a fish of 1.5lb. With now only 1 match remaining its very close at the top and its still all to fish for
It was Steve Allcock who came out on top with a great weight of 9lb10oz, Paul had mainly Perch and had 3-4over the pound mark. In second place was Asa cooper who continued his good form. Asa weighed 7lb7.5oz consisting of a 2lb+ Tench and a mixed bag of roach,perch,gudgeon and skimmers.
Taking third place was David Fowler who weighed 5lb2oz with a net of all Perch. Dave had about 20 fish in total his biggest being a fish of 1.5lb. With now only 1 match remaining its very close at the top and its still all to fish for
Dave Clark 12oz 4points
Tony Carline DNW
Mark Wain DNW
Gary Slack 4oz 3points
Tony Carline DNW
Mark Wain DNW
Gary Slack 4oz 3points
David Thornley DNW
Nigel Ellis DNW
Mark Gregory 3lb12oz 3points
Mark Gregory 3lb12oz 3points
Paul Ashley 4lb 4points
David Fowler 5lb2oz 3points
Steve Allcock 9lb10oz 4points
John Barfoot 2lb13oz 3points
Asa Cooper 7lb7.5oz 4points
Andy Fox 1lb15oz 3points
Steve Allcock 9lb10oz 4points
John Barfoot 2lb13oz 3points
Asa Cooper 7lb7.5oz 4points
Andy Fox 1lb15oz 3points
Tuesday, 2 June 2015
It was Malcolm Bent who came out on top from Peg 14, Malc caught a Carp of around 6lb early on, fishing a worm tight to the far bank, he then backed it up with a nice net of silver fish. In second place was Steve Allcock from Peg 2 who weighed 4lb 15.5oz with a net of skimmers and roach. In third place was in form Asa Cooper who weighed 4lb 4oz from Peg 9. Asa had over 100 small roach and also a bonus Skimmer of about 10oz.
The pond did fish a lot better and hopefully will continue to improve along with the weather. Its all getting very close at the top of the league.
Peg 2 Steve Allcock 4lb 14.5oz 4points
Peg 4 John Barfoot 2lb 15.5oz 3points
Peg 6 DNW
Peg 7 Andy Fox 3lb 9.5oz 2points
Peg 8 DNW
Peg 9 Asa Cooper 4lb 14oz 4points
Peg 10 Mark Gregory DNW
Peg 11 Mark Wain 4lb 8oz 3points
Peg 12 Nigel Ellis 2lb 1oz 1points
Peg 13 David Clark 2lb 6oz 2points
Peg 14 Malcolm Bent 9lb 2oz 4points
Peg 16 Gary Slack 3lb 7oz 3points
Peg 20 Paul Ashley 2lb 10oz 3points
Peg 21 David Thornley 2lb 8oz 2points
Peg 23 DNW
Sunday, 24 May 2015
League standings after 6 matcches
After 6 matches its all still very close. There is only Andy Fox who can still get maximum points, all he needs to do now is win his next 3 match sections and he will be unbeatable. But there is still 5 anglers within 1 point of him making it very close. Weight may come into play if people are tied on the same points, so its vital to get big weights also.
CAWDOR POND MATCH 6 24/05/2015
Yet again Cawdor pond produced another good match with lots of fish caught and lost. It was Nigel Ellis who won the match drawing Peg 20, this is the best peg on the pond and the pressure is always on to win the match from it. Nigel didn't disappoint and won with a weight of 29 lb 13 oz. Nigel landed 9 carp and lost 10 to the bushes and snags. Nigel said he just couldn't give them enough bait and caught on several different baits including meat,sweetcorn,bread and pellet. In second place was Tony Carline who drew Peg 1 and landed 3 carp and a few skimmers, Tony also lost a few fish. Tony Caught his carp on the method feeder chucking into open water under the cliff face. In third place was Paul Ashley from Peg 19, always a difficult peg to fish when Peg 20 is bagging upn But Paul produced a nice net of Skimmers and Roach taken on mainly pellet.
Both Cawdor ponds are fishing well and responding to all methods, lots of carp being caught on the surface in the evenings.
Peg 20 Nigel Ellis 29lb 13oz 4points
Peg 19 Paul Ashley 10lb 15oz 3points
Peg 17 David Fowler 8lb 4oz 2points
Peg15 David Thornley 2lb 12oz 1point
Peg 22 David Clark 4.5oz 1point
Peg 23 Steve Allcock 8lb 15oz 4points
Peg 24 Andy Fox 2lb 9oz 3points
Peg 29 Mark Gregory 7oz 2points
Peg 10 Malcolm Bent DNW
Peg 11 Asa Cooper 10lb 14oz 4points
Peg 12 Gary Slack 1lb 15oz 2points
Peg 8 Mark Wain 6lb 7oz 3points
Peg 1 Tony Carline 13lb 4oz 4points
Peg 3 John Barfoot 5lb 4oz 3points
Peg 4 Mark Lil DNW
Peg6 Jeff Snow 3lb 4oz 2points
Sunday, 17 May 2015
On a cold but sunny day the fifth match in the league was fished on the Erewash Canal at Langley mill. Only 11 anglers fished the match with some anglers deciding to just drop the result. This was a little disappointing and unfair on those who did make the journey. It was thought that the canal would respond well to bread punch and it did for 30 minutes until the bites dried up. Mark Wain started well with 10 puts in producing 10 roach, Unfortunately that was it and Mark never had another bite. Asa Cooper caught a few roach on squatt and groundbait but struggled to keep the bites coming. In the end it was David Fowler who came out on top with a weight of 4lb 12oz, Dave caught the majority of his fish on chopped worm, including a decent sized Perch and lots of other sm.aller Perch. Second was Asa Cooper with a weight of 3lb who had a mixed bag mainly made up of roach and Perch. Coming in 3rd was Steve Allcock with a weight of 2lb 4oz with a mixed bag of roach,perch and gudgeon. Andy Fox also continued his good form to record another section win a with a weight of 15oz .
Paul Ashley 13 oz 1point
John Barfoot 1lb 10oz 3points
David Fowler 4ib 12oz 4points
Mark Wain 1lb 6oz 2points
Gary Slack 2oz 2points
Jeff Snow 11oz 3points
Andy Fox 15oz 4points
Asa Cooper 3lb 4points
Nigel Ellis 15oz 2points
David Clark 7.5oz 1point
Steve Allcock 2lb 4.5oz 3points
Thursday, 14 May 2015
Monday, 11 May 2015
CAWDOR POND MATCH 4 10/05/2015
On a warm and sunny day Cawdor pond produced a close fought match with Skimmers being the main species caught. The little pond however didnt fish that well, it was only 2 late carp that fell to Jeff Snow fishing in the margins that won him the section . Much to Asa Coopers annoyance who had been winning the section for most of the match with 3 decent perch which fell to Lobworm.
Taking top spot in this match was a joint affair with both David Fowler and Paul Ashley recording a weight of 15lb 6oz. Dave fishing from Hotpeg 20 was expected to win the match, but Dave just couldnt find the Carp but did manage to bag 2 and a good net of skimmers all taken on pellet. Paul Ashley joint first fishing from Peg 11 caught all skimmers and roach on a pellet approach. In second was Malcolm Bent fishing from Peg 1, Malc had 3 Carp and some Skimmers, but Malc lost 5 Carp which cost him dear in the end. In 3rd was Mark Gegory with 9lb 5oz from Peg15, again this was mainly Skimmers taken on pellet. Match 5 will be fished on the canal at Langley mill.
Taking top spot in this match was a joint affair with both David Fowler and Paul Ashley recording a weight of 15lb 6oz. Dave fishing from Hotpeg 20 was expected to win the match, but Dave just couldnt find the Carp but did manage to bag 2 and a good net of skimmers all taken on pellet. Paul Ashley joint first fishing from Peg 11 caught all skimmers and roach on a pellet approach. In second was Malcolm Bent fishing from Peg 1, Malc had 3 Carp and some Skimmers, but Malc lost 5 Carp which cost him dear in the end. In 3rd was Mark Gegory with 9lb 5oz from Peg15, again this was mainly Skimmers taken on pellet. Match 5 will be fished on the canal at Langley mill.
Peg 20 David Fowler 15lb 6oz 4points
Peg 19 Andy Fox 7lb 14oz 2points
Peg 17 John Barfoot 3lb 7oz 1points
Peg15 Mark Gregory 9lb 5oz 3points
Peg 22 Jeff Snow 8lb 15oz 4points
Peg 23 Steve Allcock 1lb 10oz 2points
Peg 24 Asa Cooper 4lb 4oz 3points
Peg 27 David Thornley 12oz 1point
Peg 10 Tony Carline 12lb 10oz 3points
Peg 11 Paul Ashley 15lb 6oz 4points
Peg 12 Mark Lil 2lb 7oz 2points
Peg 8 DNW
Peg 1 Malcolm Bent 14lb 6oz 4points
Peg 3 Gary Slack 15oz 1point
Peg 4 Mark Wain 4lb 14oz 2points
Friday, 1 May 2015
After discovering Matlock Angling club through the Facebook page and website, He liked what he saw and decided to join the club. Travelling from stockport for some fly fishing action Mr Griffith wasn't disappointed when he caught this fish at Darley Dale casting to a rising trout with a black size18 klinkhammer @22 inches and 3.5 lb it took some landing!
Sunday, 26 April 2015
Match 3 at Tansley pond was slightly better than the first match of the series with most anglers managing to trouble the scales this time. Yet again though the Chub alley didn't finsh and that section was only won with 12oz. The chub must surely show again soon. The match was won by Andy Fox from Peg 4 who recorded a weight of 11lb 1oz, always a good peg if the Skimmers feed, with a slight ledge at 10 metres its always known to hold the Skimmers. Andy wasn't disappointed with a net full of them including roach and a few Perch. Coming a close second with a weight of 10lb 9oz was Asa Cooper from Peg 6 also catching Skimmers behind the island on castor and worm approach. In third place was John Barfoot from peg 21, this peg is known to be one of the deepest pegs on the pond and fishes well all year round. John caught a few Perch at his feet and also caught skimmers in open water with a pellet approach recording a weight of 6lb 1oz. The pond fished well in the open water, but the chanel is still the area to avoid. hopefully with the weather improving the carp will start to show down the chanel and make for a better match......
Peg 2 DNW
Peg 4 Andy Fox 11lb 1oz 4points
Peg 6 Asa Cooper 10lb 9oz 3points
Peg 7 David Fowler 3lb 10oz 2points
Peg 8 Mark Wain 3lb 2oz 4points
Peg 9 Paul Ashley 2lb 14oz 3points
Peg 10 Steve Allcock 2lb 8oz 2points
Peg 11 DNW
Peg 12 DNW
Peg 13 David Clark 12oz 4points
Peg 14 Jeff Snow 4oz 3points
Peg 16 DNW
Peg 20 Tony Carline 3lb 4oz 2points
Peg 21 John Barfoot 6lb 1oz 4points
Peg 22 DNW
Peg 24 Mark Gregory 5lb 4oz 3points
Sunday, 12 April 2015
CAWDOR POND MATCH 2 12/04/2015
With the first match being fished at Tansley Pond, it was now the turn of Cawdor pond to have the pleasure of hosting the 16 anglers competing this year. After the first match being very hard with only 8 anglers weighing in. Pre match talk when fishing at Cawdor pond is always about who would draw Hot Peg 20 and avoiding drawing in the trees. It was Mark Wain who drew Peg 20 and he made sure everyone knew about it. Mark romped the match in the end but after 3 hours it wasnt looking good with only a few small fish in the net, Mark decided he would go for a walk and on his return and a change of bait caught 7 Carp for 40lb. In second place was Paul Ashley who fished from Peg 22 on the little pond weighing 12-4, Pauls weight consisted of 1 carp and a mixed bag of Skimmers and Roach. Steve Allcock was third with a weight of 9-3 consisting of a mixed bag of Skimmers,Perch and Roach. Both ponds fished very well with 10 anglers all weighing in over 6lb.
Peg 20 Mark Wain 40lb 4 points
Peg 19 John Barfoot 8lb 14oz 3 points
Peg 17 Tony Carline 1lb 11oz 2 points
Peg15 David Fowler 7lb 14oz 1 points
Peg 22 Paul Ashley 12lb 4oz 4 points
Peg 23 Steve Allcock 9lb 3oz 3 points
Peg 24 David Clark 1lb 15oz 1point
Peg 27 Mark Gregory 8lb 2oz 2 points
Peg 10 Malcolm Bent 4lb 3oz 2 points
Peg 11 Jeff Snow 7lb 1oz 3 points
Peg 12 Nigel Ellis DNW 0 points
Peg 8 Andy Fox 7lb 8oz 4 points
Peg 1 David Thornley 8lb 10oz 5 points
Peg 3 No angler
Peg 4 Asa Cooper 6lb 10oz 4points
Peg6 No angler
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